At PathBreaker Technologies, our greatest asset is our highly skilled talent pool comprising over 50 dedicated professionals, meticulously curated to encompass a diverse range of expertise and experience.
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How PATHBREAKER assist your business

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure dotted proactive domination. At the end of the day, on going forward, anew normal that has evolved from the generation on streamlined.

Understand the Requirements .

Requirements definition is the process of gathering, understanding, refining, prioritizing and validating everything a product or project needs to succeed. Effective requirements definitions is essential to ensure your end product meets the needs of users and other stakeholders.

To confirm a effective release, you need a proper requirements document. This document is comprehensive, and it’s about more than the product requirements.

It includes:
  • The purpose.
  • That purpose broken down into features.
  • Release criteria goals.
  • Review(s) from the stakeholder(s).

Design an Initial Solution .

Before we initiate to design or architect the application, we first understand he problem. This implies identifying the stakeholders, the business needs, the constraints, the risks, and the success criteria. You can use different techniques to gather and analyze this information, by having workshops, surveys, document reviews. This helps to define the scope and boundaries of the solution, and prioritize the requirements according to their value and viability.

Design ideologies are rules and endorsements that guide your design choices and help you achieve quality traits, such as modularity, cohesion, coupling, testability, and readability. You should follow design principles that are relevant to your solution and your context, and that balance trade-offs and constraints. For example, you might follow the SOLID principles for object-oriented design, or the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle for avoiding duplication.

Implement and Test the Solution .

Employing a solution involves understanding the problem, setting clear objectives, designing the solution, and allocating resources.

Create a project plan with tasks, timelines, and milestones. Build and test the solution, iterating to fix issues. Train users, manage change, and deploy the solution.

Deliver the Solution .

Implementing a refined solution includes adopting the problem, setting clear objectives, designing the solution, and allocating resources.

Create a project plan with tasks, timelines, and milestones. Build and test the solution, iterating to fix issues. Train end users, manage change, and deploy the solution.